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Les laserotrons sont un modèle de robot qui apparaît dans le Commonwealth du Massachusetts.


Les Laserotron on été construit par RobCo puis vendu à l'armée américaine. C'est un robot combattant de première ligne. le Laserotron est rapide et mortel à courte distance et utilise un laser dévastateur à longue distance. La variante dominateur peut aussi utilisé une technologie furtive.


Le corps du laserotron ressemble une silhouette féminine, avec des hanche et une poitrine proéminentes. De plus le Laserotron abrite des servomoteur supplémentaire pour ses bras. Ils sont très rapide et agressifs .Souvent il attaqueront le survivant à vue en utilisant au corps à corps leur main comme des griffes. Le laserotron utilisera aussi son puissant laser qui nécessite d'être chargé avant de tirer. Quand il sera en train de charger son laser, sa tête sera entourée d’énergie électrique rouge. Après quoi le laser s'activera, causant de grave dommages à tout ceux sur son chemin . La version dominateur est aussi équipé d'un champ de furtivité.

Le laser du Laserotron peut être arrêter ou éviter de plusieurs façons : en s'écartant du chemin, en le tuant ou en faisant suffisamment de dégât à sa tête. Si il peut le charger et n'est pas bloqué par un objet, il infligera des dégâts dévastateurs à sa cible, la tuant souvent, même s'il s'agit d'un personnage de haut niveau ou d'un PNJ. De plus le Laserotron reçoit des dégâts de tir à la tête réduits, ce qui le rend encore plus redoutable. Cependant, on peut paralyser sa tête, supprimant ainsi sa capacité à utiliser son laser frontal.

Le point faible du Laserotron ce sont ses jambes. Cependant si elles sont détruites le laserotron continuera de poursuivre la cible en rampant sur le sol. Après avoir subi des dégâts suffisants, il pourra lancer son autodestruction, comme dernière tentative de tuer son adversaire. Le tuer avant qu'il ne l'active annulera l'auto-destruction.

Les Laserotron légendaires exploseront violemment, comme une mini explosion nucléaire, environ deux secondes après leur destruction.

Pour les joueur de bas niveau, ce robot peut d'être extrêmement difficile à affronter de front, en raison de sa rapidité et de ses attaques puissantes. Un joueur de bas niveau peut aussi avoir des difficulté à tuer ou à paralyser le Laserotron avant qu'il ne soit à portée de laser, surtout si il est accompagné par d'autres ennemis. Une capacité notable qu'il a est de pouvoir contourner ses adversaires, ce qui le rend difficile à toucher. Il est également capable d'attraper un adversaire à courte distance et de tirer son laser directement dans la tête de la victime, ce qui est une condamnation à mort pratiquement assurée.

Le Laserotron semble aussi avoir une perception beaucoup plus élevée que celle d'autre ennemis, ce qui rend difficile le fait de devoir se faufiler ou de le pirater.




Deadly, especially for the unprepared, the assaultron is among the most fearsome robotic enemies in the game. While their usual unarmed attacks are already a challenge for some, the real danger from these enemies comes from their charged laser weapons. The laser cannon that doubles as its head can usually disintegrate victims on contact. Making matters worse, dodging the weapon can prove difficult, since the size of the laser engulfs anything in front of it. Luckily the charge up for this weapon is long and given away by an impressive light show coming off the assaultron's face. A fast fighter may be able to kill it quickly or even get behind it while its firing animation is going.

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Assaultron invader[]


Invaders have a larger health pool and electrified hands that stun and do energy damage in addition to their regular melee damage. A blue glow can be seen around their hands even after death.

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Assaultron dominator[]


The Dominator variant has a powerful attack that consists of stabbing the target's torso with two swords simultaneously and spreading its arms outwards, typically resulting in a one-hit kill against low leveled or low armored players.

These stronger variant of the already formidable assaultron can be counted among the nastiest dangers in the Commonwealth. The blades on its arms give its unarmed attacks considerably more power while its head laser will still be gunning for its target. The Dominator's true danger is its unique stealth capability, making it difficult to target, especially in VATS, before it gets into melee range.

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Gunner assaultron[]


The Gunner assaultron is the same as the basic assaultron, except it has the Gunners symbol painted on its chest, in place of the star and USA markings. They are frequently found at Gunner bases and outposts.

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Gunner assaultron invader[]


The Gunner assaultron invader is the same as the assaultron invader, except it has the Gunners symbol painted on its chest, in place of the star and USA markings. It is frequently found in Gunners bases and outposts.

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Gunner assaultron dominator[]


The Gunner assaultron dominator is the same as the assaultron dominator, except it has the Gunners symbol painted on its chest, in place of the star and USA markings. One replaces Tessa after she is killed at Quincy ruins.

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Assaultron devil[]


Assaultron devils are a modified variant of the assaultron created by the Rust Devils. It is weaker than the normal variant. Their hands are replaced with construction claws and they are covered in scrap armor.

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Assaultron demon[]


Assaultron demons are a modified variant of the assaultron created by the Rust Devils.

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Assaultron succubus[]


Assaultron succubi are a modified variant of the assaultron created by the Rust Devils. A powerful opponent that usually has a skull mask.

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Assaultron hag[]


Assaultron hags are a modified variant of the assaultron created by the Rust Devils. They are equipped with a shishkebab and gamma gun. Modèle:Stats creature FO4 Modèle:Stats creature FO4 Modèle:Stats creature FO4

Assaultron gorgon[]


Assaultron gorgons are a modified variant of the assaultron and are created by the Rust Devils. Wielding two shishkebabs, they are the most powerful assaultron variants of all and are dangerous opponents.

One can be found with Ivey in Fort Hagen hangar and others can sometimes be seen with Rust Devil patrols.

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Novatrons are the base Nuka World variation of an assaultron. They can be found in the Galactic Zone in Nuka-World, and more specifically in the RobCo Battlezone. Additionally two can be found on pillars guarding the entrance outside. Instead of a claw, a space laser replaces one of the hands.

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Novatron invader[]


The Novatron Invader is an upgraded version of the Novatron. They can be found in the Galactic Zone in Nuka-World, in the RobCo Battlezone. Modèle:Stats creature FO4 Modèle:Stats creature FO4 Modèle:Stats creature FO4

Novatron dominator[]


The Novatron dominator is an upgraded version of the Novatron, the Nuka-World variation of the assaultron. They can be found in the Galactic Zone in Nuka-World, in the RobCo Battlezone.

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Novatron initiator[]


The Novatron initiator is an upgraded version of the Novatron, the Nuka-World variation of the assaultron. They can be found in the Galactic Zone in Nuka-World, in the RobCo Battlezone.

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Novatron eliminator[]


The Novatron eliminator is an upgraded version of the Novatron, the Nuka-World variation of the assaultron. The Novatron eliminator is the strongest variation of the Novatron and assaultron, and can be found in the RobCo Battlezone, in the Galactic Zone of Nuka-World.

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  • One leveled assaultron always spawns in the FEV-Labs in the Institute.
  • They often spawn near military installations and tend to move around a lot because of their high attack range. When left alone they can often be seen engaging wasteland creatures.
  • One assaultron (along with a Mister Gutsy and sometimes a sentry bot) is found on the road leading to Nahant, wandering around the small pile of shipping containers.
  • They often spawn as a part of a Gunner patrol, providing frontline offense while the Gunners attack from a distance. One can almost always be found at Mass Pike Interchange atop the freeway.
  • An assaultron will attack the Sole Survivor alongside a sentry bot atop of the 35 Court building after they approach the central locked chamber, which contains leveled power armor.
  • One can be found with the Gunners at the Quincy ruins, and will usually replace Tessa if the ruins have been cleared out already.
  • Two are found in front of Vault 95, and another is located inside.
  • One can be found in the Hesters Consumer Robotics workshop, along with two protectrons.
  • Two assaultrons will attack the Sole Survivor along with a sentry bot and two protectrons after getting the Beryllium Agitator during Mass Fusion/Spoils of War.
  • One assaultron (and a Mister Gutsy) guards a wrecked military convoy on the road between Breakheart Banks and the Slog.
  • One assaultron is used as an activatable trap in the cellar of the Electrical Hobbyist's Club.
  • Modèle:Icon One novatron can be found inside Vault-Tec: Among the Stars, in a master-locked room next to the living quaters.
  • Modèle:Icon Two novatrons can be found outside the RobCo Battlezone. Ther are more inside the Battlezone.

Notable assaultrons[]

  • Atom's Wrath
  • Iron Maiden
  • KL-E-0
  • Lady Lovelace
  • P.A.M.
  • Ada Modèle:Icon
  • Duelbot Modèle:Icon


  • Despite both the assaultron and the male Sole Survivor being affiliated with the military, the latter's dialogue choices with KL-E-0 would imply no prior knowledge of the assaultron model robots (although it is possible that the assaultron entered service with the US military after he had been discharged or they may have not been deployed to the front lines). This would be consistent with their absence in the Fallout 3 add-on Operation Anchorage.
  • The Automatron add-on adds two weapons that consist of parts salvaged from assaultrons, the assaultron blade and the salvaged assaultron head.
  • If the assaultron is being attacked by two enemies at once (e.g. synth relay grenade) and the NPC is targeted, if the Sole Survivor is too close to the head/laser while the assaultron is firing, the player still takes massive AoE damage.
  • At least one known assaultron prototype was not built by RobCo.[1] It was possibly built by General Atomics International, who are known to have partnered with RobCo on a number of joint projects for the US Military including the Robobrain program for the United States Army Robotics Division.
  • It is possible that assaultrons can express a very limited degree of human emotion. In Reunions, when Dogmeat leads the Sole Survivor to the remains of a destroyed assaultron, it states that it cannot feel its legs, in a slightly panicked manner. In addition, assaultrons appear to be able to feel pain as evident by the quotes of the damaged assaultron found while tracking Kellogg.


Assaultrons appear in Fallout 4 and its add-ons Automatron and Nuka-World.



  1. 4n1m4L's test logs